Monday, March 24, 2008

Tools of the Trade - Box 3 - Pinch

Pinch. There is not so much in the pinch box as I have recently cleaned it out. But we don't need much, a favorite is a favorite.

The little plastic box contains some electronic testing clips I purchased from Radio Shack. The light blue tool is used to make bias binding. I keep it handy as I use sewing for larger dolls. The ever present alligator clips, but I don't like to leave "tooth" marks on things. I have 4 favorite tweezers. Each of the small tweezers has a very sharp, pointed tips. The hemostats, some call forceps as well, are the ultimate tweezers, plus they will clamp closed to hold something in position.
The curved metal tool is for scooping up beads, and which of us hasn't cursed a time or two when we knocked over that box of beads? It really helps make picking them up and pouring them back into the container easier. Sometimes the best tools are not the most expensive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG! We have the same tools! I never thought I would see another pair of Ginghers like mine. I had to re-stitch the soft leather scabbard and used ecru color thread. I have a bit of aluminum foil in the tip to keep them from poking through.
The Clotilde gauge, the brass caliper, the alligator clips...beading needles, all the same! Well except that my needlepoints have a red leather scabbard where yours is black.
Kindred spirits! (((HUG)))